Hey there you beautiful Japanese learners, how are you? Today we have another awesome online Japanese lesson for you all about のに. This is an absolute essential piece of grammar on your journey to Japanese mastery as it will help you express the concept of “although/even though” in Japanese.
- 1 How to say “Although I want to work, I don’t want to study”. – ~のに The art of “Although”
- 2 What does のに actually mean?
- 3 How do you make sentences with のに?
- 4 Let’s look at some example sentences with “Noni”.
- 5 An effective study technique to help you master のに NONI.
- 6 Let’s summarise today’s lesson.
- 7 Learn Japanese Online with BondLingo
- 8 Recommend
How to say “Although I want to work, I don’t want to study”. – ~のに The art of “Although”
We are going to split today’s lesson up into 5 sections:
- What does のに actually mean? We will look at the definition first to understand the meaning.
- How do you make sentences with のに? We will then look at the grammar behind it and learn how to form sentences
- Let’s look at some example sentences with “Noni”. We will look at some fantastic example sentences to help further your understanding.
- An effective study technique to help you master のに NONI. We will learn a great technique that you can use to study and master のに as soon as possible
- Let’s summarise today’s lesson. We will offer a brief summary of today’s online Japanese lesson to round things off.
So then you hungry hungry learners lets begin today’s lesson and start to expand your minds!
What does のに actually mean?
Understanding the definition and the meaning.
So what does のに mean? のに is a useful little piece of Japanese grammar which means “Although” or “Eventhough”. IIn today’s lesson we will learn to say things like:
“Even though i want to work, I don’t want to study.”
“I have to work today even though it is Saturday.”
“Why will Dad swim even though it’s winter?”
As you can see it’s a really practical piece of grammar that you can apply pretty much straight away in a multitude of different situations. Lets now have a look at how you can form sentences using のに and try to understand the grammar behind it.
How do you make sentences with のに?
A look at the grammar behind のに to learn how to form sentences
So のに works very much like から “because”. It can be added after a verb, adjective or noun. Depending on what comes before noni, the way you use NONI is slightly different so please refer to the table below.
Verb | +のに after plain form verb | たべるTaberu | たべるのにTaberu Noni |
Na Adjective | +Na な +のに | かんたんKantan | かんたんなのにKantan na noni |
I Adjective | +のに | むずかしいMuzukashii | むずかしいのにMuzukashii na noni |
Noun | +Na な +のに | きょうKyou | きょうなのにKyou na noni |
Now, when using NONI with verbs you can also conjugate the very before のに to come up with different meanings like so:
たべるのに | Taberu Noni | Although i will eat |
たべないのに | Tabenai Noni | Although i didn’t eat |
たべたのに | Tabeta Noni | Although i ate |
たべたいのに | Tabetai Noni | Although i want to eat |
So now we have all of that information, here is how you do it.
Hatarakitai noni benkyoushitakunai
Even though i want to work, I don't want to study.
So the order is
You will get used to this pattern as we look at some more examples so let’s do that right now.
Let’s look at some example sentences with “Noni”.
Some fantastic example sentences to help further your understanding.
Here is a great way you could use noni when you are surprised someone is doing something even though they shouldn’t be.
naze, otousan wa fuyu na noni oyogu no deshou ka.
Why will Dad swim even though it's winter?
Imagine having to work on the weekends? The cheek, you might say:
kyou wa doyoubi na noni, hataraka nakereba narimasen.
I have to work today even though it is Saturday.
That guy is definitely a cool customer but why doesn’t he have a ring on it? You might say:
kare ga kakkoii na noni kanojo ga imasen.
Although he is very cool, he doesn't have a boyfriend.
You’re rascal of a son is up to his old tricks once again, you may say:
Benkyou chuu na noni, kare wa pasokon de geemu wo shite imasu.
Even though he's in the middle of study, he's playing games on his computer.
An effective study technique to help you master のに NONI.
A great technique that you can use to study and master のに as soon as possible
So now that we’ve really got to grips with the grammar and various different example contexts let’s look at the best way you can master のに as fast as possible.
First write out as many example sentences you can with NONI every day. You need to be eating sleeping and dreaming のに for at least 3 days. Once you have got comfortable with the patterns you should start having conversations in Japanese and practicing using it in the real world. Only through practice in a real citation will you truly master the grammar.
Doing this will ensure such a strong understanding that you will never forget it ever again. If you are struggling, come back and reread the article to give yourself a refresh. This is so important to do so don’t cheat yourself.
Let’s summarise today’s lesson.
A brief summary of today’s online Japanese lesson to round things off.
So here is a little summary to recap today’s lesson
のに works very similarly to から but means eventhough / although
のに is added to verbs nouns and adjective differently so be sure to revise out chart.
Follow our effective study technique to ensure you master today’s grammar.
Guys we have really enjoyed having you here for today’s online Japanese lesson from Bondlingo. If you have any questions or ideas for content on future lessons please do get in touch as we would love to hear from you. Studying Japanese takes time and must not be rushed so remember to take your time and have lots of fun on the way. Have a great day guys and see you next time.