How to integrate “Tashikani” to express a degree of certainty in Japanese

A hearty hello to all of you keen Japanese learners, we hope you are doing extremely well today and are ready to invest a little bit of time into the further pursuit of your own Japanese development.

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Using たしかに for relaying certainty in Japanese

Today we are going to be looking at the phrase “Tashikani” which is around the intermediate level of the language. This is a really useful phrase that we are sure you will find to be a splendid addition to your current arsenal.

Today’s online Japanese lesson will be broken down into the following sections. 

  1. First we will be discussing the meaning of tashikani
  2. We will then discuss the usage of tashika ni to give you an insight into how it works grammatically
  3. We will then look at some varying examples to help you really get to grips with the format.
  4. Next we will take a better look into some techniques to show you how to really master it in your own time through practice
  5. Finally we will have a quick summary just to run over everything once more.

So guys get comfy, it’s time to dive in to today’s lesson!

So what is “たしかに”

So what does Tashika ni mean? たしかに means “surely, certainly, if i’m not mistaken”.It is mainly used when you want to express a degree of certainty. 

The kanji which is used for Tashika is “確” which is the kanji for “assurance, firm, tight, hard, solid, confirm, clear, evident.” 

It’s a really useful phrase that is used in casual conversation very commonly in Japanese. 

We are now going to look at  how to use this phrase grammatically to really help you understand the fundamentals of the point. 

How do you use “たしかに” in Japanese

Firstly, lets take a look at this example sentence here:

Tashika ni kare wa shinrai dekimasu
You can certainly rely on him.

As you can see here, tashikani is used at the beginning of the sentence. It is most often used in this order, however it can also be used commonly after the topic marker too. 

Within this sentence it takes on the meaning of “certainly”. It is not as strong as “definitely” however it is implied the speaker expresses that there is a high chance of reliability.

We will now look at some more examples to help you understand the phrase in more details. 

Examples of how to use たしかに to express certainty.

Kanojo wa tashika ni sono koto wo shitte irun desu
She certainly does know it.

Here Tashika ni has been used after the topic marker and expresses the speaker’s certainty that something is known by the woman in question. 

Kare wa tashika ni sou itta
He did say so.

Here we see that the speaker is saying that he thinks the man in question said something. He is quite sure of the fact and thats why they have used “tashika ni”

Lets take a look at 2 more examples: 
Kare wa tashika ni binbou da ga shiawase da 

He is poor, to be sure, but he is happy

In this sentence the speaker is expressing that they are unmistakably poor but they are however happy! 

Kare wa tashika ni orokamono da 
He is a fool, and no mistake.

In this sentence the speaker their certainty that the man in question is almost definitely a fool.This isn’t a very nice sentence to use towards somebody however im sure you may have someone in mind. 

As you can see it is quite easy to get a handle of. Its expresses a greater degree of certainty than “I think” but a lesser degree than “definitely”. 

Take some time to re read these sentences and really get comfortable with the patterns. We will now move onto the next section were we will be discussing learning methods 

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Methods for practicing Tashika Ni and learning it effectively

So now we have a decent understanding of the usage of tashika ni we are going to want to practice using it for ourselves to really allow it to hit home. Firstly start by writing out each of the example sentences 5 times and reading them aloud. Then try yourself to re  read the english part of that sentence and translate that into Japanese without looking. Once you’ve mastered that you should try and create some of your own sentences to help you get used to and comfortable with using tashika ni. Have a friend or language partner check over your sentence to make sure you’ve got them all spot on. 

Remember that you really need to try these techniques or the whole of today’s lesson will drift away into a distant memory within the week. 

Summary of today’s lesson

Now let’s have a look at a quick summary of what we have learnt today. 

Tashika ni means: certainly / if i’m not mistaken

It is mainly used at the beginning of the sentence or after the topic. 

We have 5 example sentences today for you to have a look at and help you understand the essence of the phrase. 

Be sure to also follow the methods in the previous section in order to retain and master the information more effectively. We want you to be able to use the phrase as soon as possible! 

Well guys thank you for giving us some of your time today and checking out our online Japanese lesson on “tashika ni”. We really hope that this has been beneficial for you and that you’ve learnt something that you didn’t already know. Progress is power. As always. If you have any questions or other ideas that you would like us to cover in our upcoming articles, feel free to comment with your ideas and we will get back to you. The road to mastery is a marathon, not a sprint, so just keep your eyes on the prize and don’t give up! Until next time everyone, have a great day! 

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