Japanese Grammar is not hard for you .For some people, taking the next step from simple sentences to more complex sentences with adverbs and adjectives can be a struggle. Making the leap to these more complex sentences allows you to really describe concepts and explain your reasoning for doing things in much more detail. Using longer and more intricate sentences is extremely beneficial, rewarding and damn right cool!
How to build up sentences in Japanese
I personally struggled with this for a while but soon discovered a way to start expanding my sentences adding more depth and meaning to what I wanted to express.
At first, It’s quite difficult to go from using short sentences such as:
This is difficult
This is extremely difficult so therefore I have no choice but to study.
The first thing to do is to start looking at conjunctions and connectives.
- から Because
- ので Since
- けど But
When you master some of these simple constructs a lot of doors open for you.
- Even if I do that … それをしても。。。
- I wanted to go but … 行きたかったけど。。。
- Since it’s raining today … 雨が降っているので。。。
They give you the ability to explain reasons and outcomes.
Once you have a few conjunctions and connectives under your belt. Its time to move onto adjectives.
Adjectives are used to describe nouns and therefore open up more ways to use detailed explanations in your sentences. For example:
- いぬ Dog
- くるま Car
- ひと Man
are all pretty vague on their own and doesn’t give the listener much to go on.
However if you say:
- やせいのいぬ Wild Dog
- ぼろいくるま Beat Up Car
- やさしいひと Kind Person
The listener can get a more detailed picture of what you are trying to say.
There are 1000’s of adjectives to learn and they are really fun to use, be sure to add as many as you can to your arsenal!
Lastly we will look at adverbs.
Adverbs are used to describe verbs. So instead of saying,
- いく Go
- たべる Eat
- べんきょうする Study
You could say
- はやくいく Go Quickly
- ゆっくりたべる Eat Slowly
- まじめにべんきょうする Study Seriously
This describes to the listener how you did something and again gives the more information.
So try and put all of these to use. Every day write sentences and try and make them longer and longer every day. You will soon be speaking and writing longer, meaningful and super descriptive sentences.