Getting carried away in Japanese: Choushi ni noru : Hey guys, KONNICHIWA! How are you all doing today? Welcome to another fantastic online Japanese lesson from the one and only Bondlingo. We aim to bring you the best Japanese lessons on the planet and want to make sure you get exactly where you need to be with your Japanese.
Getting carried away in Japanese: Choushi ni noru
Today we are going to be discussing the common Japanese phrase, “Choushi ni noru” which means, “to get carried away” in Japanese. We are sure a lot of you could really find this useful for your conversation as it’s a phrase that is used pretty often. Can you remember the last time you got carried away with something?
First we are going to break down the meaning of the phrase, then we are going to look at how you can use it in a sentence. From this, we will then move onto some example sentences and finally finish with an awesome study tip to ensure you have this memorised for the long run.
Ok so before we get carried away, let’s get right into today’s awesome online Japanese lesson and learn about the common phrase “Choushi ni noru”
Mastering the meaning of 調子に乗るChoushi ni noru
So, let’s start by breaking down the Kanji so we can understand what this phrase really means.
Take a look at this table below:
調子 | ちょうし | Choushi | mood |
乗る | のる | Noru | To Ride |
If you put these translations together, you see that we have the direct translation of riding your mood. If you think about it, when you get carried away, you end of riding your current mood and travel off into some direction. In the same way you can see how this would translate into “getting carried away”
We use the particle に in this situation too as this indicates what you are riding. We are now going to look at “Choushi ni noru” in an example sentence to look at the appropriate usage. This will give you a basic understanding of the structure and help you use the common Japanese phrase in real life situations.
How to use 調子に乗るChoushi ni noru
Let’s take a look at this sentence now to see how you can use this common phrase simply and effectively.
Choushi ni noru na
Don’t get carried away.
This is probably the most common way you can use the sentence to tell someone to not get carried away, this could be your friend, your kid, your partner, whoever. When you feel that they are getting too carried away, you can simply unleash a: Choushi ni noru na
Alternatively, if it is you who has got carried away, you can apologise for your action by saying:
Choushi ni notte sumimasen
I got carried away, I'm sorry.
This is a great way to apologise if you went too far with something and it affected another person. The last thing you want to do is get carried away and hurt their feelings.
It’s fairly simple to use and those 2 sentences are the real power plays with this phrase. We are now going to have a look at two more phrases just to help you get used to hearing the phrase.
Example sentences with 調子に乗るChoushi ni noru
Remember to speak these sentences out loud and try and translate them back to English once you have them commited to your memory.
If you get carried away you'll risk failure so take care!
Choushi ni note kiken wo okasu na yo
Don't push your luck.
An effective study tip for 調子に乗るChoushi ni noru
Now we are going to have a look at a study tip to help you remember the main two uses of the phrase, apologising and warning.
Firstly, you should start by trying to imagine both situations clearly. Draw the scene in your mind and repeat the correlating phrase over again in your mind.
Choushi ni noru na
Don’t get carried away.
And again with:
Choushi ni notte sumimasen
I got carried away, I'm sorry.
Once you have linked these two phrases strongly in your mind you will be ready to move on to the next stage. Write these phrases down 5 times on paper and repeat them back to yourself. Finally translate them back to English without looking at the translations. At this point you should have the information locked in your head for as long as you need.
Okay guys, thanks for joining us today for our online Japanese lesson. We really enjoy having you here and just like always if you have any questions or ideas for content that you’d like to hear, please let us know. Have an amazing day everyone!