Now comes everyone’s favorite topic: food! Grocery shopping in Japan can be a daunting task if you don’t know the names of the ingredients you’re looking for. Today, we’re going to build your Japanese vocabulary by learning the names of different foods!
First thing’s first! When you sit down at a table in Japan, the first thing you notice is the variety of condiments on the table. Some of them are familiar, such as salt and pepper, but others you may be seeing for the first time. Here is a list of common condiments in Japan.
Condiment Words
Japanese | Romaji | English |
調味料 | chōmiryō | condiment |
胡椒 | koshō | pepper |
砂糖 | satō | sugar |
タレ | tare | Japanese dipping sauce (usu. for grilling) |
みりん | mirin | Japanese rice wine for cooking |
料理酒 | ryōrishu | cooking saké |
ソース | sōsu | Worcestershire sauce |
唐辛子 | tōgarashi | chili pepper |
オイスターソース | oisutā sōsu | oyster sauce |
味噌 | miso | Japanese fermented soybean paste |
タバスコ | Tabasuko | Tabasco |
マヨネーズ | mayonēzu | mayonnaise |
ラー油 | rāyu | chili oil |
酢 | su | vinegar |
香辛料 | kōshinryō | spices |
振り掛け | furikake | Japanese seasoning (usu. for rice) |
塩 | shio | salt |
醤油 | shōyu | soy sauce |
ケチャップ | kechappu | ketchup |
マスタード | masutādo | mustard (with mustard seeds) |
Breads, Grains, and Pastas
Next, we’ll start at the bottom of the food pyramid with breads, grains, and pastas. This list will be helpful for those with coeliac disease, wheat allergy, and those who want to stay gluten-free.
Bread, Grain, and Pasta Words
Japanese | Romaji | English |
パン | pan | bread |
穀物 | kokumotsu | grain |
パスタ | pasuta | pasta |
米 | kome | dry rice |
ご飯 | gohan | cooked rice |
シリアル | shiriaru | cereal |
小麦 | komugi | wheat |
小麦粉 | komugiko | flour |
グルテンフリー | guruten-furī | gluten-free |
全粒穀物 | zenryūkokumotsu | whole grain |
小麦全粒粉 | komugizenryūko | whole grain wheat flour |
玄米 | genmai | brown rice |
蕎麦 | soba | buckwheat (usu. noodles) |
大麦 | ōmugi | barley |
ライ麦 | rai mugi | rye |
オーツ麦 | ōtsu mugi | oats |
グラノラ | guranora | granola |
セリアック病 | seriakku-byō | coeliac disease |
小麦アレルギー | komugi arerugī | wheat allergy |
Now it’s time for healthy eating! If you want to stay trim and live a long healthy life, loading up on those veggies is the way to go. Here is a list of some common vegetables found in Japan and words associated with vegetables.
Vegetable Words
Japanese | Romaji | English |
野菜 | yasai | vegetable |
キャベツ | kyabetsu | cabbage |
ほうれん草 | hōrensō | spinach |
レタス | retasu | lettuce |
大根 | daikon | Japanese radish |
人参 | ninjin | carrot |
ブロッコリー | burokkorī | broccoli |
豆 | mame | bean |
じゃが芋 | jagaimo | potato |
茄子 | nasu | egg plant |
トマト | tomato | tomato |
玉ねぎ | tamanegi | onion |
ネギ | negi | green onion/leek |
ニンニク | ninniku | garlic |
マッシュルーム | masshurūmu | mushrooms |
ピーマン | pīman | green pepper |
かぼちゃ | kabocha | pumpkin |
キュウリ | kyūri | cucumber |
An apple a day keeps the doctor away! If you’re looking for a healthy snack to get you by until dinner, picking up a piece of fruit will be much better for your body than, say, a Snickers bar. Here is a list of common fruits found in Japan and words associated with fruit.
Fruit Words
Japanese | Romaji | English |
果物 | kudamono | fruit |
りんご | ringo | apple |
バナナ | banana | banana |
アボカド | abokado | avocado |
苺 | ichigo | strawberry |
梨 | nashi | pear |
ブルーベリー | burūberī | blueberry |
マンゴー | mangō | mango |
梅干 | umeboshi | Japanese sour plum |
さくらんぼ | sakuranbo | cherry |
杏 | anzu | apricot |
ココナツ | kokonatsu | coconut |
ライチ | raichi | lychee |
桃 | momo | peach |
オレンジ | orenji | orange |
レモン | remon | lemon |
グレープフルーツ | gurēpu furūtsu | grapefruit |
葡萄 | budō | grape |
みかん | mikan | mandarine orange |
柚子 | yuzu | Japanese citrus fruit |
メロン | meron | Honeydew melon |
スイカ | suika | watermelon |
柿 | kaki | persimmon |
パインアップル | pain appuru | pineapple |
Meats and Dairy
Let’s not forget our daily dose of protein! Some of us love our meat, but there are others such as vegetarians and vegans who need to make sure that their food is meat- and/or dairy-free. Here is a list of words pertaining to meat and dairy.
Meat and Dairy Words
Japanese | Romaji | English |
肉 | niku | meat |
酪農 | rakunō | dairy |
豚肉 | butaniku | pork |
牛肉 | gyūniku | beef |
家禽 | kakin | poultry |
魚 | sakana | fish |
牛乳 | gyūnyū | milk |
チーズ | chīzu | cheese |
ヨーグルト | yōguruto | yogurt |
生クリーム | nama kurīmu | whipping cream |
バター | batā | butter |
ステーキ | sutēki | steak |
チキン | chikin | chicken (the food, not the animal) |
ハンバーガー | hanbāgā | hamburger |
ハンバーグ | hanbāgu | hamburg steak/salisbury steak |
唐揚げ | karāge | fried chicken |
牛丼 | gyūdon | beef-on-rice |
焼肉 | yakiniku | grilled meat |
しゃぶしゃぶ | shabu-shabu | boiled meat |
ベジタリアン | bejitarian | vegetarian |
ビーガン | bīgan | vegan |
Now that you’ve learned a bunch of new food words, it’s time to get out into the real world and practice them! Next time you’re out at a restaurant or grocery shopping in Japan, instead of using the English word for a food, try using the Japanese word from the lists above! Learning food words in Japanese is a lot of fun and easier to remember than you might think! Improve your Japanese today by talking about food!
General Food Words
Japanese | Romaji | English |
砂糖 | satō | sugar |
胡椒 | koshō | pepper |
解凍する | kaitō suru | to defrost |
麺 | men | noodles |
和食 | washoku | Japanese food |
目玉焼き | medama-yaki | fried egg (sunny-side up) |
ソース | sōsu | Worcestershire sauce |
洋食 | yōshoku | Western food |
台所 | daidokoro | kitchen |
味噌 | miso | Japanese fermented soybean paste |
点心 | tenshin | dim sum (Chinese dumplings) |
茹でる | yuderu | to boil |
みりん | mirin | Japanese rice wine for cooking |
酢 | su | vinegar |
そば | soba | buckwheat noodles |
カレー | karē | curry |
塩 | shio | salt |
フランスパン | furansu pan | baguette |
パン | pan | bread |
冷やす | hiyasu | to chill |
料理 | ryōri | a dish/cuisine |
トースト | tōsuto | toast |
蒸す | musu | to steam |
つぶす | tsubusu | to mash |
スパゲティ | supageti | spaghetti |
醤油 | shōyu | soy sauce |
中華料理 | Chūka ryōri | Chinese food |
ケチャップ | kechappu | ketchup |
チャーハン | chāhan | fried rice |
からし | karashi | mustard |