Hey you crazy people, welcome to another online Japanese lesson from Bondlingo. We are very happy to have you here and can’t wait to jump into the lesson. Today we are going to be learning about のために No Tame Ni, which equates to “in order to” or “for the benefit of”. Its a really useful piece of grammar to know and can open up some great doors for your communication.
- 1 Learning how to say – “I study Japanese to work in Japan” with のために
- 2 So how do we form and use ために sentences?
- 3 Example sentences using ために.
- 4 A powerful study technique to master のために in Japanese
- 5 A small summary of todays Japanese lesson on ために Tame ni
- 6 Learn Japanese Online with BondLingo
- 7 Recommend
Learning how to say – “I study Japanese to work in Japan” with のために
We are going to split up today’s lesson into the following segments.
- First we are going to look at how to form the ために sentences and get a good grasp of the fundamentals. Also we will be looking at how it interacts differently with verbs, nouns and adjectives.
- Next we will be taking a look at some great example sentences using tame ni to show you the different types of ways you can use the grammar
- Next we will take a look at a practical study technique you can use to get to grips with the grammar.
- Lastly we will review a small summary of today’s online Japanese lesson to make sure we haven’t missed anything
That’s it, we are now ready to get cracking! Let’s do this.
So how do we form and use ために sentences?
A solid grasp of the fundamentals
In Japanese ために means “in order to” or “for the benefit of”. This is a really useful piece of grammar to know allowing you to express a whole new dimension in your communication quickly and easily.
By the end of the lesson you will be able to say really awesome things like, “I did it for the sake of my father” or “In order to pass the test i studied hard”.
When it comes to making ために you are going to need to know how to use it with verbs nouns and adjectives.
The set up is slightly different for verbs, nouns and adjectives so let’s have a look at this quick guide to see how it works.
With verbs all you need to do is add ため(に)
With nouns you need to add の ため(に)
な-adjectives + な ため(に)
い-adjectives simply add ため(に)
Let’s take a look at this quick example to see how it works
にほん で はたらく ため に べんきょう します
Nihon de hataraku tame ni benkyou shimasu
In order to work in Japan i study Japanese
As you can see in this example the ために meaning could both be for the sake of and in order to. They have similar meanings in this context. We will now look at some more example sentences to give you a better understanding of today’s grammar.
Example sentences using ために.
Let’s learn through examples to build confidence.
Take a look at this first sentence in which the speaker talks about going to tokyo “in order to” see his girlfriend.
kanojo ni au tame ni, toukyou ni ikimasu.
I'm going to Tokyo to see my girlfriend.
Here is a useful sentence where you can use tame ni to say “for the sake of your health”. This is a sentence that can be used often too. For example “I dont smoke for the sake of my health”
kenkou no tame ni, mai nichi ni hashitteimasu.
For my health, I go running every day.
In this last sentence the speaker talks about how they studied for the benefit of the exam. Another really useful phrase you can adapt too.
Ashita no shiken no tame, kanji o benkyou shite okimashita.
I studied my kanji in preparation for tomorrow’s exam.
Now that we have run over a few example sentences let’s take a look at the next phase and learn how to master the grammar point to maximum effect over the coming week.
A powerful study technique to master のために in Japanese
Make it stick!
So now we have a fantastic grasp on the fundamentals of ために we need to now look at how we can practice todays grammar and retain it for the future.
First you are going to want to practice switching verb – noun and adjective endings with tame ni to get used to the conjugations. Next you should take a look over the example sentences and learn them off by heart until you feel confident you could repeat them back with no problem. Next you should take it upon yourself to write 4 – 5 のために sentences each day to build up your competency and speed of use.
Lastly you should slowly introduce it into your speech, think of some sentences you can fall back on and once you are comfortable start being creative and coming up with fluid sentences of your own.
This is a sure fire way to really master the grammar from today’s lesson and can be transferred into other things you want to learn too. DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP or today’s lesson will have been for nothing. If you don’t use it you lose it. Remember that if nothing else.
A small summary of todays Japanese lesson on ために Tame ni
Make sure you don’t miss anything!
So in summary ために means “in order to” “for the benefit of” “for the sake of”.
It is used slightly differently after nouns, verbs and adjectives so make sure to study that carefully. Please try and follow the study technique as thoroughly as possible to ensure real mastery of today’s grammar.
We really hope that you all enjoyed today’s online Japanese lesson on ために and most importantly learnt something that you can take away and adapt into your communication straight away. Learning Japanese doesn’t happen overnight so stick in there and it will come, you are doing great.
If you have any more questions or suggestions on future content that you would like us to cover be sure to get in touch with us and let us know. Until the next online Japanese lesson, またね.