Japanese words related to Occupations
So, you’ve decided to look for a new job (仕事, shigoto) in Japan, have you? Well, you’re in luck, because there are tons of career (キャリア, kyaria) opportunites available in…
Continue readingSo, you’ve decided to look for a new job (仕事, shigoto) in Japan, have you? Well, you’re in luck, because there are tons of career (キャリア, kyaria) opportunites available in…
Continue readingJapanese Words Related to Fashion :There are an abundance of things to do and experience in Japan as a traveler. One of the most popular, however, is going clothes and…
Continue readingHobbies(趣味) in Japanese :What do you do in your spare time? Do you shoot hoops, read books, play the guitar? Japanese people take great pride in their hobbies, and you’ll…
Continue readingNow comes everyone’s favorite topic: food! Grocery shopping in Japan can be a daunting task if you don’t know the names of the ingredients you’re looking for. Today, we’re going…
Continue readingBody Parts in Japanese :Now that we know the proper words for our bodies, let’s talk about popular idioms or expressions that have body parts in them. Don’t worry, it’s…
Continue readingHey, everyone, and welcome to another edition of Japanese learning with Bondlingo! Today, we’re going to introduce some new vocabulary words for vehicles (乗り物, norimono)! Planes, trains, automobiles… You name…
Continue readingHere is the All country name list in Japanese and English and Romaji. Learn Japanese online with BondLingo ? Japanese English Firigana(Romaji) アイスランド Iceland Aisurando アイルランド Ireland Airurando アゼルバイジャン Azerbaijan…
Continue readingJust as there are several phrases that are basically impossible to translate from Japanese to English, you might notice that there a few English phrases that just don’t work in…
Continue readingDid you study Japanese Slang ? Part of language learning includes learning nuances. English is full of nuances, and even for a native speaker it can be difficult to tell…
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