
Moshi-Moshi! 7 Useful Phrases for Talking to Friends on the Phone

Japan is known for its polite phrases to use when calling businesses, organizations, and people…


JESSICA’S TOP 10 RESOURCES FOR LEARNING JAPANESE : Hey guys! My name is Jessica, and…

The Many Meanings of “Hai”(Yes)

The Many Meanings of “Hai” : One of the first things you probably learned to…

The way of the otaku: Words you need to know

Learning Japanese doesn't always have to be so technical! Japanese should be enjoyed as a…

Japanese Useful Phrase: Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu

The phrase “Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu” (よろしくお願いします) has no set English translation but is used frequently in…

Aizuchi (相槌): Your New Best Friend

Have you been looking for a way to make your Japanese even more natural and…

Rude Words to Avoid Using in Japan

In the society of Japan and its culture, being polite and respectful is very crucial.…

Essential Japanese slang スラング that everyone should know!

こんちは, Wassup, today we are going to be taking a look at the absolute essential…

Learn Japanese through your favourite anime quotes

Learn Japanese through your favourite anime quotes : Everyone loves anime, there’s something for everyone.…