The Japanese Particle “NO”(の)
The Japanese Particle “NO”(の) : I’m sure you’ve heard the particle の (no) a lot as you’ve been studying Japanese. It’s a really useful particle in the sense that it…
Continue readingThe Japanese Particle “NO”(の) : I’m sure you’ve heard the particle の (no) a lot as you’ve been studying Japanese. It’s a really useful particle in the sense that it…
Continue readingThe omission of particles HA(は) GA(が) WO(を) NI(に) in Japanese : Hey everyone, in today’s online Japanese lesson we are going to be looking at the omission of particles in…
Continue readingJapanese Direction Particles: へ(e) vs. に(ni) : Giving and understanding directions is an important part of learning any language, especially if you plan on traveling to a foreign country. In…
Continue readingThe Japanese Particle で(de) : Let’s take an article to focus on the particle で (de). Particles can be very confusing. But once you get used to them and learn…
Continue readingWhy is Ha(は) Read as “Wa?” : We’d all like to think that hiragana and katakana are the easy parts of reading Japanese. For the most part, there are. But…
Continue readingDifferences between じ versus ぢ and ず versus づ in Japanese : For someone who is new to Japanese, enunciating these hiragana respectively can be a very tongue-twisting/mouth-in-general twisting thing…
Continue reading4 Ways to Say “Because” in Japanese (から, ので, なので, and なぜなら) :When expressing a reason or cause, we use such words as “because” and “so” in English. Today, we’re…
Continue readingJapanese Particles: と (to) This particle, と (to) can be expressed or used in four ways. It can be used for making a list, asking a question, or to express…
Continue readingParticles: が (ga) An indication of a location The Japanese particle が (ga) marks the subject of a sentence when it is first introduced to a conversation. が (ga) can…
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