Japanese Particles

Let’s Study Japanese Particles: に (ni), へ (e), and で (de) !

In this article, we will continue studying and understanding Japanese particles: に (ni), へ (e),…

Let’s Learn Particles は (wa), を (o), and も (mo)

Particles in the Japanese language are very important and serve multiple functions. For example, it…

What Particle Do I Use : Difference は and が

These are likely to be the particles you are struggling with the most. And that’s…

What Particle Do I Use: Directions

In Japanese, there are a lot of particles you can use to describe directions. It…

What Japanese Particle Do I Use: Lists

What Japanese Particle Do I Use :Lists. There’s a lot of really basic words in…

Verbs in Japanese as well as using the を WO particle

Today we are going to be looking at verbs in Japanese as well as using…

Japanese Particles も Mo and と To

So today we are looking at 2 particles. Japanese Particles も Mo and と To…

Let’s try 20 Japanese particle test | Most complicated grammar for foreigners

Let's try 20 Japanese particle test | Most complicated grammar for foreigners =============================== 日本語[ ?…

Japanese particle ga (が) marks the subject of the sentence

The most confusing aspect of the (Ga が) particle is the difference between Wa は…