Japanese Particles

Come and learn Japanese particles with Bondlingo. We have a wide range of lessons available and you will be able to master the basic Japanese particles to help your Japanese skills improve.

Japanese particles are the foundation for a solid understanding of Japanese. Our articles include in depth descriptions on all the Japanese particles as well as a whole host of example sentences to help you not only understand but master each particle. We offer context, memory techniques and descriptions that you can understand in English, Romaji and Japanese.

If you’re looking to either learn or brush up on your Japanese particle knowledge, come join us.

Talking about the travel particle へ: Is it pronounced え or へ(‘e’ or ‘he’)?

Hey guys, welcome to another incredible online Japanese lesson from Bondlingo. Today we are going…

Ha, wa(は), or wa(わ)? When do I use which? – Japanese is easy!

Something that every Japanese student has noticed. Why is は pronounced in two different ways…

Expressing “in order to” and “for the sake of” in Japanese with Tame ni のために

Hey you crazy people, welcome to another online Japanese lesson from Bondlingo. We are very…

Sequence Expressing “IF” in Japanese with MOSHIもし – TARAたら

Hey guys, how are you today? We are going to be learning all about もし…

Learn the Japanese Particle “Sura”すら

Learn the Japanese Particle “Sura”すら : Hey guys welcome welcome welcome to another awesome Japanese…

The Japanese particle: Sae(さえ): “Only”, “Even”, and “Didn’t even”.

The Japanese particle: Sae(さえ) - “Only”, “Even”, and “Didn’t even”.: Although a bit confusing, -sae…

Using the Japanese particle “Shika”

Hey guys. Welcome one and all to another incredible Japanese lesson from Bondlingo, your go…

Mastering the Japanese particle “ka na” かな

Hey guys, welcome to today’s awesome online Japanese lesson from Bondlingo. Today we are going…

Learning about the Japanese Particle “monono”

Learning about the Japanese Particle “monono” : Hey guys, How are you on this wonderful…