Japanese Adjectives

Expressing How Something “Looks” by Adding そう(sou) to い-Adjectives

That Looks Great!: Expressing How Something “Looks” by Adding そう to い-Adjectives :Let’s start off…

Turning Japanese Adjectives into Nouns by Using さ

The Pursuit of Happiness: Turning Adjectives into Nouns by Using さ :Hey there, all of…

Expressing Desires with I-Adjectives and the -Garu Form in Japanese

What Is It That She Wants?: Expressing Desires with I-Adjectives and the -Garu Form in…

10 Japanese Adjectives You Probably Didn’t Know

10 Japanese Adjectives You Probably Didn’t Know :Today, we’ve got a list of 10 adjectives…

The Ultimate Guide to Japanese Adjectives

What is an Japanese Adjectives ? “Japanese Adjectives are words that describe the qualities or…

Adjectives: Takeaways and things to know

Now that we know the basics, we can turn it up a bit and learn…

Adjectives: Going deeper into Japanese descriptions

Now we will be going deeper into adjectives in Japanese and looking at the more…

Adjectives: Describing your way to success in Japanese

Adjectives in Japanese: An introduction Describing everything under the sun has never sounded so… educational.…

Describing things in Japanese with adjectives

The spiky bush, an aggressive rat, a delicious wine, an Japanese adjective is what you…