
Let’s learn how to say “to try to” in Japanese with てみる and てみます

Hello to all of you noble Japanese learners. Let us first congratulate you on taking…

How to use のに Noni in Japanese to express “although” / “even though”

Hey there you beautiful Japanese learners, how are you? Today we have another awesome online…

Learning to use ~ので in Japanese Using NODE to learn how to say “because” in Japanese

Hey guys, welcome to today.s online Japanese lesson on ので。We are really excited to be…

How to say what something is made out of in Japanese using つくります and つくられます

Hey you lovely Japanese study people, how are you doing today? We are sure that…

Do you know how to use chopsticks? – mastering 方法(ほうほう) and 方(かた)

Expressing the way of doing things in Japanese Hello everyone and welcome to today’s lesson…

Learning the ば Ba form – If I study, I will pass JLPT. – もし~れば

“If someone does something” Provisional form in Japanese with ば Ba  Hey you lovely lot,…

Learn how to use – ~んで and ~のです with sentences like “Becuase i’m hungry”

Another day, another special online Japanese lesson from BondLingo. How are we all? Today we…

How to use 知る & わかる (Shiru & Wakaru)

Shiru? Wakaru? What’s the difference? After all, the two are often translated as “to know”…

20 phrases every Japanese intermediate learner must know

You are now at a point where you are past the simple abc’s and are…