How to use ~Sou(そう) in Japanese : It seems/looks like
This is one of the most useful and versatile phrases you can learn and it’s…
This is one of the most useful and versatile phrases you can learn and it’s…
Describing the appearances of people in Japanese Hello you wonderful Japanese learners, welcome back to…
Japanese has a lot of particles. As you’ve been learning, you may have realized that…
Using the particles よ ぞ ぜ to add extra expression to you Japanese communication Hey…
Learning, understanding and using “yappari” – “As it thought” in Japanese Ladies and gentlemen, welcome…
A study of Japanese Verb Stem form to help master conjugations. Hey everyone and welcome…
The Passive Form: Japanese Verbs and 〜られる :Are you ready to start speaking real Japanese?…
How to Use the Japanese Past Negative Verb Form なかった for "Was Not" :Boy, do…
How to Say “And” in Japanese: Linking Adjectives with くて :And now, the lesson you’ve…