Learn Japanese

Learn how to use the common Japanese phrase “kimochiii(きもちいい)”

Hey guys, welcome to another awesome online Japanese lesson from Bondlingo. Today we are going…

Totemo, Chou, Meccha : Japanese Common Phrases That Mean “Very”

Imagine that you’re sitting at an Italian restaurant with your friends, and the bolognese pasta…

Walking and Talking: How to Connect Two Actions by Using the て Form

Welcome to your one-stop shop for mastering Japanese! Today, we’re going to take a look…

Kakkoii!(かっこいい): The “Cool”est Japanese Word (Common Phrases)

Ever wonder what the “kakkoii” craze is all about in Japan? Today, we’re going to…

Using the Japanese Potential Form できる to Mean “Can”

The Candy Man Can: Using the Potential Form できる to Mean “Can” : Welcome back…

いらない(Iranai) : Learning how to say “I don’t need it” in Japanese

Hey guys, how are you today? Boy do we have an awesome lesson coming your…

Japanese Verbs in the Plain Volitional Form (〜よう)

Japanese Verbs in the Plain Volitional Form (〜よう) :Let’s sing! Let’s dance! The Japanese love…

Learn the common Japanese phrase, “Genki desu ka(げんきですか)”

Learning how to ask people “how they are” in Japanese with “Genki desu ka(げんきですか)”. Hey…

Japanese Particles : Using で to Express Supplementary Information

Have you been learning about the particle で (de), and you want to know if…