How to use imperative form 命令形 めいれいけい and 禁止形 きんしけい in Japanese
Hey! Don’t leave. That’s an order. Hi guys today we are going to be learning…
Hey! Don’t leave. That’s an order. Hi guys today we are going to be learning…
Hey guys how's it going today? We hope you are ready for an absolute epic…
Hello guys how are you today? You “seem” to be ready for some more incredible…
Hello to all of you Japanese aficionados and welcome to yet another online Japanese lesson…
Hello to all of you noble Japanese learners. Let us first congratulate you on taking…
Hey there you beautiful Japanese learners, how are you? Today we have another awesome online…
Hey guys, welcome to today.s online Japanese lesson on ので。We are really excited to be…
Hey you lovely Japanese study people, how are you doing today? We are sure that…
Expressing the way of doing things in Japanese Hello everyone and welcome to today’s lesson…