Ikenai(いけない) and Naranai(ならない): How to say “must” or “need to” in Japanese

These two phrases are considered quite advanced but quite useful as well. They are however,…

Useful Japanese Phrases : Chinamini(ちなみに) – By the way

Hello everyone, welcome to another saucy lesson from Bondlingo! Today we are going to be…

This sounds interesting: Using “Omoshiroi(おもしろい)” in Japanese

Hey everyone how are you today? This is going to be a VERY interesting online…

How to ask where things are with “Wa doko desu ka(どこですか)” in Japanese

Hey guys welcome back to another sensational online Japanese lesson from Bondlingo. Today we are…

Talking about the travel particle へ: Is it pronounced え or へ(‘e’ or ‘he’)?

Hey guys, welcome to another incredible online Japanese lesson from Bondlingo. Today we are going…

How to use Omedetou(おめでとう) to say CONGRATULATIONS in Japanese

Hello everyone welcome to another incredible lesson from Bondlingo. Today we are going to be…

How to use maji(まじ) & majide(まじで) Seriously? in Japanese

Seriously, you are back again? Wow, i guess you guys are super serious about learning…

The difference between learning and studying in Japanese

A look at the differences between 勉強する, 学ぶ & 習う Hey guys how are you…

Ha, wa(は), or wa(わ)? When do I use which? – Japanese is easy!

Something that every Japanese student has noticed. Why is は pronounced in two different ways…