Describing People and Personalities in Japanese
What Famous Movie Character Are You?: Describing People and Personalities in Japanese :Who’s your favorite…
What Famous Movie Character Are You?: Describing People and Personalities in Japanese :Who’s your favorite…
Business As Usual!: Vocab and Phrases for Business in Japanese :In today’s lesson, we’re going…
Male and female Japanese: How males and females speak differently in Japanese : In speech…
10 Japanese Adjectives You Probably Didn’t Know :Today, we’ve got a list of 10 adjectives…
10 Japanese Verbs You Probably Didn’t Know :Today, we have 10 more Japanese verbs to…
The Japanese Particle から(kara): Hopefully, you’ve seen by now how useful particles can be in…
The top 5 textbooks for learning Japanese effectively :Today we are going to discuss the…
How long does it really take to master Japanese : Hey everyone and welcome to…
Where art thou? How to use “Where(Doko どこ)” in Japanese : Hey Everyone, welcome to…