The first 30 Japanese phrases that people learn

The first 30 Japanese phrases that people learn : Hey guys, how is it going…

The Solar System in Japanese

Can you remember all 9 planets? Or was it 8 planets? Oh, that’s right! Pluto…

Kangaeru versus Omou: Is there a difference?

Most people who study Japanese have probably heard of these 2 verbs before and have…

The benefits of learning Japanese

Why should I learn Japanese? Hey guys and welcome to today’s online Japanese lesson from…

Break-up Lines in Japanese

Break-up Lines in Japanese : If you read the last article about how to make…

Marriage Proposal Lines in Japanese

Marriage Proposal Lines in Japanese : Love is in the air in this edition of…

Top 10 Ways to Apologize in Japanese

Top 10 Ways to Apologize in Japanese : Unfortunately, none of us is perfect. On…

Why Do We Read Wo (を) As “O (お)” in Japanese?

Why Do We Read Wo (を) As “O (お)” in Japanese? :Konnichiwa, everyone! Today, we’re…

Coronavirus Japanese: Words And Phrases Related to COVID-19

Coronavirus Japanese: Words And Phrases Related to COVID-19 : Right now, you could be studying…