20 phrases every Japanese intermediate learner must know
You are now at a point where you are past the simple abc’s and are…
2 years ago
You are now at a point where you are past the simple abc’s and are…
Are you tired of the daily slog of getting up and going to work every…
Hey guys, how is it going today? We hope that you are extremely hungry because…
You’ve just graduated college. Your parents are hounding you to find a job. A good…
Work in Japan: How to Get a Tokuteiginou Visa : Did you know that there…
Use and Meaning of Shikatanai(仕方ない) : Shikata ga nai or Shikata nai is a very…
Learn the Top 15 flattering Japanese Phrases : Hey guys, how are you today? Wow,…
The Top 15 ways to describe your mood in Japanese : Hey guys, how is…
Japanese Phrases for Going to the Dentist : Ahhh! That drilling sound on my teeth!!…